Its Time For Tims Coffee
- Industry / Business Sector
- Restaurants
- Province:
- Pampanga
- City:
- Makati
Company Description
Tim Hortons is an iconic Canadian coffee chain founded in Ontario in 1964 by Canadian hockey player Tim Horton and Jim Charade.
It is the third largest coffee chain in the world next to. Starbucks and
.D.un.kin' Donuts.
Tim Hortons Philippines is a jo int venture company established in 2017 under Restaurant Brands International, Inc. As the master franchisee, their goal is to enable Tim Hortons to expand its reach outside Canada by providing exemplary service and va luable products that are relevant and customized to the needs and tastes of the local market.
Currently, Tim Hortons Philippines has 43 stores nationwide that offers the freshest, highest quality coffee and food guaranteed to make you day good!