Geco Philippines
- Industry / Business Sector
- Information Technology
- Province:
- Iloilo
- City:
- Iloilo
Company Description
We are best known in the Asia Pacific market as a qualified provider of Specialist SAP Resources. We have been operational in the Asia Pacific IT marketplace since 2006 when we were setup as an Asian arm of GECO-Group, a German market leader in the IT project and recruitment market. Since the year 2018, we operate as an independent company with our headoffice in Singapore.
GECO Asia operates under an Employment Agency Licence No. 07C4453 issued by Singapore Ministry of Manpower.
Going beyond Technical Skills & Qualifications
The main differentiator for GECO Asia to achieve such high deployment numbers has been our blended approach on technical and soft-skill training to meet the actual job requirements. This approach has allowed us to prepare consultants who are better enabled for systems integration and consulting nature of work.
Here are the key reasons of our success over the years:
Stay relevant to the market by investing in NextGen technology skills
React fast to address the changing demand in technology stacks
Solid hiring practices with MD interviewing key personnel who join the company
Coaching and mentoring support for consultants to stay relevant and engaged