
Makati, Quezon
Posted more than 30 days ago
Dempsey Resorce Management Inc.
Company Description:
An executive search and referral service company. We do assist our client companies in the sourcing.
Contract Type:
Full Time
Experience Required:
3 to 4 years
Education Level:
Bachelor’s Degree
Number of vacancies:

Job Description

 Audit,maintainandreviewfinancialreportsandstatementsofassignedclientcompany.
 Preparation of final financial statement for submission to BIR and SEC.
 PreparationofBIRrequirementssuchasVATreturns,withholdingtaxreturns,corporate
income tax returns and other BIR forms and requirements.
 PreparationofreportsandpaymentstovariousgovernmentagenciessuchasSSS,PHIC
and Pagibig.
 Supervise and assist accounting staff.
 Corporate tax compliance and management.
 Respondandrecommendstotaxandaccountingqueriesandconcernsofclientcompanies.
 Recommendstrategicandfeasibleaccountingmethodstoclientcompanies.
 CandidatemustpossessaBachelor’sDegreeinAccountancyorrelatedfields.
 Must have passed the CPA licensure examination.
 Minimum of three(3)years ’work experience in the related field is required.
 ProficientinQuickbookssystemandMSOfficeapplicationsuchasMSWordandExcel.
 Knowledge able in Philippine Taxation system.
 Able to work under pressure and tight deadline.
 Required language(s):English, Pilipino.
 Applicant must be willing to work in Makati City.
 Canstartimmediately(ASAP).
 Full-time position(s)available.
 Femaleapplicantsonly,aged30-35yearsold.
 Statutory benefits such as Philhealth, SSS, Pag-ibig.
 Statutory leaves.
 Performance incentives based on company policies and criteria.
30,000-35,000 with 3-5 years work experience in related field
Php 40,000 and above with five(5) and above years work experience in related field
₱30,000.00 Monthly