Imarflex Battery Manufacturing Corp.
- Industry / Business Sector
- Automotive
- Province:
- National Capital Region
- City:
- Pasig City
Company Description
IBMC's products come in several brands. The brands D-Zel King and Evvo batteries, which are classified as top of the line products, were developed for the high-end market with quality intended for the most demanding vehicles in the industry. D-Zel King is our premium Conventional Type car battery brand, while Evvo batteries are our premium Maintenance Free car and motorcycle battery brands.
Meanwhile other brands our company produces are the Imarflex-Fomulex and Imarflex-Calciflex car batteries, as well as the Imarflex and Cycle King motorcycle battery brands. Using the latest battery-making innovations, these products still outperform other batteries in the market while giving consumers more value for their money.