Asiatraders Corporation

Industry / Business Sector
National Capital Region

Company Description

Asiatraders Corporation was established on May 11, 2006. ATC became
the exclusive distributor and retailer of premium brands of sports
apparel and equipment. It is the exclusive distributor of Dunlop,
Slazenger, Honma, Kovis, G-fore, Peter Millar, and Voice Caddie, among
others. It owns and operates Icon Golf and Sports/Icon Golf, a retail store
selling golf and other sports equipment and apparel with four branches
nationwide. In parallel, the company’s products are also available in
other retail outlets such as Chris Sports, Toby’s Sports, Toy Kingdom, and
Olympic Village.
Asiatraders Corporation is consistently expanding its market share by
opening new retail stores, finding new dealers, and introducing new
brands that will develop more opportunities in the coming years.