Demsey Resource Management Inc

Logo Demsey Resource Management Inc
Industry / Business Sector
Human Resources
National Capital Region
Quezon City

Company Description

Dempsey Resource Management Inc. (DEMPSEY) is an executive search and referral services company. We do assist our client companies in the sourcing of competent and qualified candidates to fill up various job positions in their organization. The job positions we are targeting for our referred candidates are those intended for direct hiring by our clients.

The company itself is not a contracting agency. We do not hire and deploy people to other companies for contractual, temporary jobs or even special projects.

Dempsey Resource Management Inc. is a company authorized to engage in the local manpower placement. It is duly registered with the Department of Labor and Employment, Securities and Exchange Commission, Bureau of Internal Revenue with the corresponding Quezon City business permit. There is no other company registered with exactly the same with our trade name and address. Clearly, anyone who represents and uses our trade name Dempsey Resource Management Inc. is deemed fake and a scammer with ill intent purpose.

jobs available at Demsey Resource Management Inc