- Industry / Business Sector
- Oil & Energy
- Province:
- Pampanga
- City:
- Mabalacat
Company Description
10, 2013 with the primary business to develop, construct, own, operate and manage power plants in the country.
With a strong technical reinforcement from Formosa Heavy Industries (FHI) and well trained and experienced
personnel that operates the power plant, the Company is fully equipped and assured of a steady source of stateof-the-art facilities and equipment. With that said, it is more than ready to supplement the power requirements
of its prospective customers. Its target customers are locators within economic zones and clients from other
sectors that in need of power to support power shortage in the Philippines.
Its first power plant has an 82-Megawatt capacity which is located in TECO Industrial Park, Mabalacat
City, Province of Pampanga. The construction began in February 2014 after it secured relevant permits such as
from the Environmental Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (EMBDENR) and the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA). On September 26, 2016, after completing all
commissioning activities, it declared commercial operation.
The power plant utilizes a circulating fluidized bed technology which has very low levels of sulfur
oxides, nitrogen oxides and able to capture solid emissions which meets Philippines and other world standards.
The Company employs such clean-coal technology in pursuant to its mandate of generating and supply quality,
reliable and affordable energy while ensuring that its environmental impact would be at its minimum.
The company is an active member of the TECO Multi-Partite Monitoring Team (TECO-MMT) which
primary purpose of monitoring compliance to all applicable environmental obligations. The MMT also became
one of the avenues for the Company to establish good relationship with nearby communities through its
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. Anda Power Corporation is active in supporting DENR
programs such as the Adopt-A- River Program and the National Greening Program.