- Industry / Business Sector
- Human Resources
- Province:
- National Capital Region
- City:
Company Description
Today, we are a diversified conglomerate with interests spread across 6 industries supported by 25 business units; the Group's footprint encompasses Shipping, Real Estate, Healthcare, Aviation, Energy and Infrastructure, International Professional Placement, Education and Training, Microfinance and Agriculture.
Over our 45-year history, we know these things to be true – our greatest asset is our people. When we build our people, we build our nation. And we move the world.
Driven to continuously expand our reach, we prepare for the future. Leveraging our human capital development platform, we celebrate our efforts at sea, on land and in the air, while promoting people, planet, and prosperity to move a sustainable world.
We are the PTC Group.
We move the world in more ways than one, stronger together.