JRL Endaya Inc.
- Industry / Business Sector
- Storage
- Province:
- Laguna
- City:
- Cabyuao
Company Description
With the out break of shortage in the supply of chicken products the spouses searched for the other business opportunities, Luckily an opening came at RFM Corporation. Business took off with only one (1) assistant salesman and with the owner as the lead sales agent. From one (1) sack of chicken a day. other opportunities became available and made a little expansion inevitable.
The business, after being in the distribution of processed meat products for more than ten (10) years, has been continuously growing ever since, now covering the entire province of Laguna as the exclusive distributor of Foodsphere, inc.
It was converted to a corporation and registered with the securities and Exchange Commision as JRL Endaya INC. on December 6, 2010
At present, the company has a man power compliment of sixty-seven (67) and twenty-six (26) delivery vans.