Izuparts Center Inc.
- Industry / Business Sector
- Retail
- Province:
- National Capital Region
- City:
- Caloocan City
Company Description
Aside from Isuzu genuine parts, the company also carries other Japan made automotive parts product such as Denso, Izumi, NPR, Daido, Taiho, Asco, Cherry, and many more. These are all imported from Japan through various Japanese exporters.
For Denso products, we started importing it from Central Automotive Products, Ltd. (CAP), a trading company located in Osaka, Japan. When Denso Philippines was organized in early 1970’s, they took over the selling of Denso parts and ICI was designated as one of their distributors. In 1984, Denso Philippines stop their operations and Toyota Tsoshu Corporation (TTC) was appointed as exporter to continue the selling of Denso products until it was taken over by the Philippine Auto Components, Inc. (PAC) (now Denso Philippines Corporation).