Macrologic Diversified Technologies Inc.
- Industry / Business Sector
- Information Technology
- Province:
- Cavite
- City:
- Bacoor City
Company Description
With innovation in the forefront of its operations, Macrologic pioneered and continues to lead in the local cloud infrastructure known today as MIaaS Cloud Services. MIaaS, a multi-site cloud built from the leading technology brands, utilizes the VMware vCloud Director to provide clients a secured, stable and robust multi-tenancy platform for public cloud. With the rapid growth of its ecosystem for cloud, Macrologic offers a wide range of cloud services from IaaS to SaaS, PaaS, DRaaS, BaaS, SECaaS, Cloud ServiceDesk and a lot more. MIaaS is a VMware Cloud Verified, the first in the country to achieve competency certification for VMware Cloud.