Neksjob Philippines
- Industry / Business Sector
- Call center
- Province:
- Rizal
- City:
- Angono
Company Description
Neksjob is an outsourcing and social enterprise that provides quality services to our clients locally and abroad. We are driven by the innate desire to bring about change by encouraging out of the box solutions to well-worn path challenges at a cost-effective rate. We aim to bridge the gap between countries and cultures, distance and time zones, to bring the world closer through the help of emerging technology.
Recruitment Process Outsourcing
We take pride in delivering highly efficient candidates at a fast-paced resource recruiting guaranteed one time deployment. Complete your team of experts now!
We dedicate our company in finding only the highest caliber of team that can deliver all the requirements for your project.
Web Design & Software Development
Our team not only brings life to websites but also is capable of delivering specific requirements accordingly.